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A Problem Worth Solving

Business solves a problem for a profit.

Those few words can and should have a powerful impact on how you think about your brand and products. As part of developing a brand strategy, we sit down with owners, founders, and marketing teams to get clarity around four primary questions.

#1 What problem does your brand solve?

In just a few words, define and articulate what problem the consumer has that your brand solves.

💡A company like Tower 28 is a great example. The brand provides makeup for sensitive skin, including people with eczema who are often challenged to find makeup that works on their skin.

#2 Who has the problem?

Define and examine who struggles the most with the issue you are solving. Is there an age group primarily impacted, a specific skin condition, or environmental impact (think sun or pollution) you can identify? This core group is your target market, audience, and tribe.

Additionally, you want to compile supporting data about this audience, such as:

💭 How many people struggle with the problem?

💭 Are they located in a specific region or location?

💭 What are their usages and behaviors?

💭 How do they currently solve their problem?

💡ProActiv launched in 1995 targeting young adults affected by acne. You may remember Jessica Simpson toting how she used ProActiv to overcome her battle with breakouts. Through identifying a problem affecting millions of consumers, ProActiv became a leading brand within the acne treatment category. While the brand is nearly 30 years old, it benefits from a revolving door of new consumers as adolescents come of age and experience acne.

#3 How does your brand or product make them feel?

When your product solves the problem, how does the user feel? What is the emotion(s) they will have?

💡Better Not Younger is a haircare brand that empowers women 40+ to address the need that hair changes as you age. The brand seeks to change the narrative around aging and helps women feel confident and beautiful.

#4 How many other brands offer the same solution, at what price, and what are their USPs?

This is the time to be honest and face the reality of who's in the marketplace solving the same problem. Often, when brands come to market as fast followers, they get lost in the "sea of sameness" which is something we want to avoid. The objective is to identify your competitive set and determine how you will set your brand apart. If consumers have a lot of choices, you may be fighting for the same dollars. It's essential to know how your brand will stand apart and have a strategy (and budget) to communicate that.

Whether building a complete brand strategy, creating a new product, or developing marketing communication, at Buzz we sit down with brand stakeholders to answer these questions, create the right tools, and drive more profitability.

If you are looking for help formulating your brand plan, or want to run some questions by us, reach out at We would love to help guide you through the process.

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